The right product for every application. Requirements and conditions of use vary a great deal. This makes it all the more important that the selected product contains the required properties. Use the application filter to quickly pinpoint the right products for your needs.
Application Filter
Maintenance Oil, Spray
OKS 641
Protective Film for Metals
OKS 2100
Protective Film for Metals, Spray
OKS 2101
Corrosion Protection, water-based
OKS 2200
Mould Protector
OKS 2300
Mould Protector, Spray
OKS 2301
Gloss Zinc, Spray
OKS 2521
Aluminium Spray
OKS 2531
Zinc Protection, Spray
OKS 2551
Stainless Steel Protection, Spray
OKS 2581
Adhesive Oil and High-Performance Corrosion Protection Oil
OKS 3600
Adhesive Oil and High-Performance Corrosion Protection Oil, Spray
OKS 3601